Saturday 17 November 2012

Planning: The Decision

After much discussion within our group, TwinPine Films has decided what the plot for our teen horror film is going to be. The working title for our teen horror film is 'Murder Studies' which is a word play on 'Media Studies'. In this film we follow 4 sixth form Media students (Fred, Jase, Tom and Mike(we gave our characters these names because they are also the names of 4 memorable horror villains-Freddy Kruger, Jason Voorhees, Thomas 'leatherface' Hewitt and Michael Myers)) who's task it is to make a teen horror film. Whilst doing their research by watching lots of different horror movies they  start really getting into it. This leeds them to eventually go a bit crazy and start actually killing people for their movie, in the styles of different horror icons they have watched. It will mainly be shot in the point of view of the characters, apart from when they film the killings which will be in the point of view of their video camera. This film will be rated 15 as it has images within that are unsuitable for younger people to see.

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