Thursday 10 January 2013

Main Task Planning: Screenplay

Screenplay for “Murder Studies”
School Classroom, Afternoon, Media Lesson

A male teacher is standing in the front of a modern day sixth form media classroom with rows of iMacs.

TEACHER: Now that you have finished your independent research for your task you must now plan what you are going to film for your new Horror movie. The minimum length of this movie must be no more than 60 minutes long. The deadline for the finished product will be....

The teacher’s voice and background noise is blurred out as the camera now focuses on Fred, a student in the teacher’s Media class. Fred has a completely blank emotionless expression on his face. The background is blurred out with the noise as the focus is completely on Fred. The camera slowly tracks in on Fred with a slow heartbeat starting in the background. Fred begins to hear screams of murder victims and as the heartbeat begins to build a gradually faster tempo the sound effects of Fred’s visions -that the viewer does not witness- begin to gradually get more potent and violent, screams build volume.

School Corridor/ wing, Night, Fred’s vision.

A killer is chasing a girl trying to catch and possibly kill her, the camera angle is following the victim from the Killer’s point of view. The killer gains on his victim and as he gets into touching distance of his victim....

School Classroom, Afternoon, Media Lesson

A fake scare as the teacher suddenly slams an exercise book down on Fred’s desk in front of him.

TEACHER: Stop daydreaming Fred and go sit with your group.

Fred looks down at his book and finds “Murder Studies” across his book cover, a deep bass rumble as the words appear in the shot.

As Fred gets up to go sit with his group the camera blurs out the entire focus of the camera.

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